E Sports Bubble

Has the traditional model of sponsorships for e sports created a less that ideal situation for sponsors of e sports?? While companies may be desperate to reach this generation of players may they have stepped out of their comfort zone and into a quagmire of more savvy consumers?? Courtesy of Axios   1 big thing:…

Consumer Behavior via Neilsen

Some interesting insights into what 2019 may bring in terms of consumer behavior. Does your business fall into one of these categories? Could you use help reaching these consumers? My company can help. Contact me if you would like to explore some opportunities on how. https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2018/drivers-of-change.html?  

Sports Business Journal Article on Buying Impressions and Why Its Not Always Worth It

A Sports Business Journal Opinion piece by Patrick Heffernan. It illustrates how brands are still struggling to connect with consumers despite the large number of impressions they can but at the professional sports level. How could a Youth Sports Sponsorship change that? Contact RedLine Sports to find out. https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2018/07/16/Opinion/Heffernan.aspx